John Falcone, M.D., Endocrinologist, Treats Endocrine System Conditions, Including Diabetes and Weight Control
What is an Endocrinologist, and What Are Disorders of the Endocrine System? How Are They Treated?
An endocrinologist is a doctor specializing in disorders of the endocrine system and conditions related to endocrine functions. So, what is the endocrine system, and what are examples of these disorders and conditions?
The endocrine system refers to several hormones that tell different parts of our body how to function. The hormones are produced by glands; then they are sent through the blood stream to provide direction to other body systems and tissues. For example, the thyroid gland secretes the hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which stimulate all the cells in the body to control the processes of growth, reproduction and metabolism. The pancreas produces the hormones, glucagon and insulin, to regulate the balance of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Disorders in the endocrine system can occur for many reasons, such as over-production or under-production of hormones, or a disease or injury caused to a gland that produces them. Symptoms of endocrine disorders can range from weight gain to hair loss, Diabetes or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Most people wouldn't know much about the complexities of the endocrine system, but if they experience new pains or disturbing changes in their body, they should see their primary care physician, who would have the training to know they may need an endocrinologist.
A specialized Endocrinologist will be able to diagnose a specific hormonal issue that is causing symptoms, but treating the disorder becomes a matter of understanding the patient. The endocrine system is all about balance, and balance is unique to each individual. Listening, understanding and compassion are among their most effective "tools", along with researched therapies and medications.
Dr. Falcone's Specialized Areas of Treatment
Anyone with Diabetes knows better than most people, that a full, productive, happy life is a matter of balance. If you have Diabetes, your experienced endocrinologist can help you stay in balance with the most current monitoring, therapies and research.
Type I and Type II Diabetes
Insulin Pump Therapy
Insulin Resistance
Steroid Induced Hyperglycemia
Blood Glucose Monitoring
Monogenic Diabetes
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes

Medical Weight Management
You should not feel guilty or bad about having difficulty with weight management. There are many reasons why your body increases the amount of fat it wants to retain. Some weight gain can come from hormone imbalances, and some from medications, or from simply needing guidance on the best personal approach for balance.
Dr. Falcone provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to weight loss that helps patients replace frustration with understanding.
Thyroid Disorders
Your thyroid gland produces hormones which give many directions to your body, including how fast you burn calories, and how fast your heart beats. Many health issues can result from thyroid disorder, but there are also treatments for these conditions, so Dr. Falcone will begin with understanding your discomfort and other symptoms.
Hashimoto's Disease
Grave's Disease
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
Thyroid Nodules and Goiter
Lipid Disorders
There are several conditions in the endocrine system that can cause abnormal levels of lipids, or fat, in the blood. You could have high levels of "bad cholesterol" or low levels of "good cholesterol" contributing to health issues. Whether conditions are more related to endocrine system disorders, or by the food being eaten, or both, can be determined by starting with an exam.
Elevated Cholesterol
Elevated Triglycerides
Adrenal Disorders
The adrenal glands, located above each kidney, produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which keep your metabolism, blood pressure, immune system and stress response in check. Disorders affecting these hormone levels can be critical.
Adrenal Insufficiency
Addison's Disease
Cushing's Disease
Syndromes of Cortisol Excess
Adrenal Nodule
Male Hormones
The most common male hormone condition is hypogonadism, which is "low testosterone" or "Low T". Some symptoms could be fatigue, depression, poor focus, erectile dysfunction and inability to gain muscle mass. Dr. Falcone can begin with understanding what a patient is going through.
Male Hypogonadism
Low Testosterone
Testosterone Replacement

Pituitary Disorders
The pituitary gland is at the base of the brain and is often called "the master gland" because it controls other glands, such as thyroid and adrenal. Because disorders of the pituitary can appear to be so many diseases, and they can develop slowly or suddenly, they can be difficult to initially diagnose. All the more reason to consult a highly trained Endocrinologist when things just don't seem right, such as mood swings, irritability or sudden physical changes.
Pituitary Adenomas
Diabetes Insipidus
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be very common among women of child-bearing age. Small cysts develop on the ovaries, which can cause several health issues and conditions, from irregular menstrual cycles to hair growth or loss, weight gain and infertility. Dr. Falcone has extensive training and specialized experience in treating PCOS, and with reliable therapies, can help women start being more optimistic about conditions which are highly upsetting.
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Female Hair Loss